Bonilla-Lucas Legacy 7's

Jester Family,

We are proud to announce that 2024

will be the inaugural year of the Bonilla-

Lucas Legacy 7s.

A tournament to be played in the

remembrance of the ruggers that can

no longer be on the pitch with us, but

will always be in our hearts.

The renaming of the Roy Lucas to the Bonilla Lucas is in remembrance of our departed friend and brother Giovanni Bonilla but to also honor a local legend Roy Lucas

For a little background on the honored named jesters:

Roy Lucas was a founding jester of ORSU in 1974. He is renowned locally for his positive attitude, hard work and off the field antics. Roy played until his sudden death during a match against golden gate in 1995.

Gio Bonilla was a recent addition to ORSU, joining in 2021 when he moved to Portland from Texas. Soon he became an integral part of the club, the culture and the family. In his time with us he became one of the most influential and impactful jesters of this generation.Tragically and suddenly he was taken from us in June 2023.

The name change to include Bonilla is to bridge the gap between the old generation and the new generation and to begin honoring all ruggers who can no longer join their team on the pitch.

As always, EMBO

Nathan Kimmel

ORSU President

greg smith