ORSU Monthly Donation

ORSU Monthly Donation
Give $100/month, or $1200/year
Benefits: Apparel, 1 Super Fan Parking Space, 2 Golden Raffle Tickets, Name recognition at field.
Give $50/month, or $600/year.
Benefits: Apparel, 1 Golden Raffle Tickets, Name recognition at field.
Give $25/month, or $300/year
Benefits: Apparel, Name recognition at field.
Financial goals:
#1: Field and Facility: Basic Annual Cost = $15,000
#2: Recruiting: Basic Annual Cost = $10,000
#3: Total Initiative Goal = $25,000
Funds for the clubs for recruiting
We must fund communication platforms to reach out and identify new members. Recruiting is a mandatory marketing activity for ORSU clubs to play championship rugby.
Funds for the farm-the oregon rugby center
We must continue to develop the field and facility as a central sustaining resource. Better seating, better turf care, better parking-all possible with Jester financial help.